

Let's talk about guns.

By: Yeong Jae Han

Firearms. Credit:

I would like to talk about the use of firearms. My stance on this issue is absolutely clear.

Personally, I oppose the banning of hand guns. The guns should be permitted because of four reasons. The first reason is that guns are optimized for defending our life and our property. It is a very useful tool for us. During emergency situations, we can shoot the criminal. We can claim that we acted in self-defense.

Second, guns reduce the difference between the strong and the weak. Equal treatment and equal opportunities are the measurement of human rights and democracy. During the ancient times, physical strength outweighed logic. That was the basis for equality in society.

Third, guns maintain social order. A gun is also a great system in which people can be alert against each other and be more careful of their actions. They will be more likely to be very polite towards each other.

The last reason is that the gun market is massive in the United States. We usually mention the United States because it is the only country that permits guns. If the country regulates the firearms industry and firearms owners, it could make many people to become unemployed, destroy the middle class, bankrupt industries and destroy the hard work of the people of United States.